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Thursday, April 19, 2007

VA Tech Shootout

On April 16th 2007, in Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, which is located in Virginia State, U.S, a Korean student named Cho Seung Hui, who is a green card holder, started a shooting spree in the University itself....killing 32 students and faculties, then pointed the gun at himself and ended his own life.

The immediate response from parents are to point the blaming fingers at Seung Hui and the University. But, who is the one really in fault?

The law states that any US citizen who does not have a past criminal record, and is above 21 can purchase firearms LEGALLY. Come on, think about it, what kind of law is that?

As reported by, Senator John McCain says that his view towards gun control will not change even after this shooting incidents, and state that "but it doesn’t change my views on the Second Amendment, except to make sure that these kinds of weapons don’t fall into the hands of bad people", bad people? if we have a machine that can foresee who the bad people is, then maybe this will work. Can anyone predict Seung Hui as a "bad people"? Can anyone predict any perpetrator of the previous shootings as the bad people?

The Second Amendment of the US Constitution says "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." No offense, but this is being set a long long time ago, where guns are not mass produced, and only the rich ones can afford. Seung Hui bought the gun in a legal licensed shop, through legal ways, using a credit card. Do u think this is wat u call, a safe society? A society where security is ensured? No, this is a society opened to mass massacre, to degrading the value of human life.

How bout Seung Hui? Why do you think he acted like this? Coz he is a bad guy? No...ignorance is the reason. I believe racism is still active in the society of the US, and Seung Hui might be as well a victim of such action. Living in a foreign society is hard enough, but living in a foreign society where the locals treat you differently would be devastating... He had been seen as having problems mentally and emotionally, why didnt people go for his help? because no one cared enough to do so, because its a life where we only look at ourselves, because of the human nature of selfishness, and because of the ignorance towards the reality around us...

Flaws in the society sometimes do show itself in brutal ways, for example, this shooting. However, it is the government and the people's responsibility to act to it, to change the flaw, to rethink the whole situation, and to realize the root of the problems, before pointing those fingers, at each other, at those unrelated parties.

Innocents had been sacrificed. The only hope is that this hard-learned lesson, will actually be learned.

R.I.P to Cho Seung Hui
R.I.P to the 32 innocent souls

Read About the VA Shooting Here

Read Regarding Senator John McCain's Comments Here

Wikipedia - The Free Encyclopedia

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