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Monday, December 15, 2008


Another time, another place, yet the same thing all over again, this time, I'm leaving Melbourne....

Been moving around almost the whole of my life...from Malaysia to China, from China back to Malaysia, then to Aussie, now back to Malaysia...yet this time, somehow its a little different, somehow, there is this sadness in me that i've never experienced before...

It's not that I dun wanna go back to Msia, hell, I've been looking forward eagerly for the past few months for this day to come, just thinking of the food and things i can do back in Msia make me wanna go back even more...yet, this period of time in Aussie did give me a memory that I will definately miss heaps.

I guess thats life, where we move on from one stage to another, learning and experiencing in each stage, discovering more and more of ourselves as each stage passes by...this is the way that make us grow up, and these are the things that make us who we are.

Monday, December 1, 2008


好像...好久都没写这样的东西了...最近我的blog都只放了去了哪里玩啦, 哪里好吃啦, 在卖东西啦...*点点点*

今天过得...非常的显, 显到了有点受不了的地步...墨尔本又下雨了, 看来明天又是一个寒冷的夏天...

试考完了, 成绩也出了, 现在唯一的向往是回到KL的那一天的到来. 现在差不多每天的行程是:早上去Meeting Point上班,晚上回家和珈珈讲电话, 吃打包回来的剩饭, 看看已经看过的电影...过得实在是不充实. 我一向来是一个很喜欢一直有事情做的人,现在已经过了一个多月这样的生活,实在是有点痛苦

有一股冲动想立刻去买自己一直想要的DSLR照相机,可是自己心里却知道马来西亚是比较便宜,而且老爸也答应了会去PC FAIR帮我看价钱...所以也只能忍耐...忍耐....

成绩出了,得到了1HD 2D, 还算不错, 比起以前在Computer Science时得到的 P 和 N, 已经算是很大的进展了...呵呵, 转到Information System的确是一个没错的选择, 有时侯, 有牺牲才会有结果的...我这多出来的一个semester果然没白读了 =>

想一想, 今天过得那么显, 很有可能是因为前几天都一直有出去吧...出了一下, 现在又一个人在家, 竟然有了之前没感觉到的寂寞 =P

有时候做在电脑前, 唯一能做的就是瞪着电脑看, 脑子里完全不知道自己可以做什么. 如果老爸看到了, 一定会说我应该去读些Self-help books, 去学些以后在工作社会里有用的东西, 提高自己的价值...可是, 有时侯真的动不起来...一个人做事情, 真的没趣, 没动力...
