We woke up later than the first day, since Phillip Island is nearer and we already have the car with us =P (everyone slept over my place btw) with enough rest, we then started our journey at around 11:30am. Being a driving lover like me, SH has the urge to "feel" the car as well, thus she took the first drive of the day to Phillip Island. =)

SH driving... [Photo by SH]
The day started out sunny n nice, with some clouds on the sky but doesnt look like a threat of rain. The whole journey to Phillip Island was much more comfy than GOR, as the roads consists of only multiple lanes highways and straight roads, and lots of clearly shown road signs to lead us straight to Phillip Island.

Sunny, sunny day [Photo by SH]

Straight roads [Photo by SH]

Me n Jia
However, the more we drive, the darker the skies got, and before even getting half way there, the skies has been fully engulfed by dark clouds and rain started pouring.

Dark skies, rainy clouds
This, of course, did not stop our visit to Phillip Island.

The bridge that connects Phillip Island to the Mainland, still rainy at that time [Photo by SH]
Thus, to our first destination on the island, the Koala Conservation Center.
Koala Conservation Center
One of the thing HY wanted to see badly except kangaroos are koalas, and no place is better to see those cute creatures than the Koala Conservation Center (KCC).

KCC Ticket, for 5, Adults, $9.50 per person
The concept of this place is that it maintains an enclosed portion of the forest, and in that small forest consist of animals like wallabies, copperhead snakes, plenty types of birds, wombats, and the main character, koalas.

The girls and the "Koala"

Me n Jia
However, one thing about this place is that it is outdoor, and a problem we had, is that it was raining, not heavy, but enough to get you wet.
With the kind of determination we have, we went on with the visit anyways =)

Eucalyptus Leaves, Koala's diet

One of the rare birds seen in the "forest"

The best pic we can get of a wallaby, they are too shy to be approached [Photo by SH]
In the enclosed forest itself, two raised platforms (or broadwalks as they called it) had been built at areas where the koalas are more concentrated. Through these platforms, we are able to get a pretty close-up look at the koalas, even though they are all just sleeping (they sleep 20 hours a day, so its pretty rare to catch them eating or doing other activities).

The platform (broadwalk)

koala pretty closed up

another koala closed up

me n jia with the koala

us and koala [Photo by SH]
We finished the visit, and then planned to head to our next destination, The Nobbies, with HY taking over the wheels.
A Detour
As we were going to the Nobbies, we passed by a Wildlife Center. Out of curiousity, we turned in and took a look.

Jia and the wildlife center
Upon checking the admission price, we decided not to visit it as it is an extra $15 per person, which is pretty expensive. =P

I love this car too much =P
Onwards, to the Nobbies!
The Nobbies
*At this point of blogging, i just cut myself with my new knife. Ouch*
As we arrived Nobbies, we went straight to the cafeteria there and had a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate, as the weather outside is starting to become pretty cold, and we are ahead of our schedule...of course, the coffee drinking session is accompanied by a session of card games. =P

The Nobbies [Photo by SH]

Mocha. Hot Coffee + Cold Weather = SYOK! [Photo by SH]
We then started our "tour" of the Nobbies. Platforms are built around the cliffs for tourists to walk around, snap pictures, and to enjoy the scenic view of this part of Phillip Island.

The girls

Me n Jia, with the Nobbies visible behind us

A path that is closed as it is the nesting place of seabirds and has frequent freak waves

The Nobbies Center, where we had our coffee break

A penguin that looked funny was seen under the platform with other penguins. The penguin is fatter than usual as it is changing its fur and is not able to get into the sea to hunt, thus has gotten itself fat to go through the change of fur

Me and the girls

all of us
As we had enough of extremely cold wind blowing at us, we left the Nobbies but was still too early to go to Penguin Parade, thus making an extra stop, at the Town of Cowe.
Town of Cowe
The town of Cowe is located at the northern end of the island, and is where most of the shops, places to eat and houses are. We drove around the residential area before finding the commercial strip, parked our car, and took a walk around.

Town of Cowe
As we walked around, we decided to have our dinner at Chino's, a place where they sell fish & chips, and yes, it is better than the ones we get in Clayton =P.

The girls and the Fish & Chips [Photo by SH]

Me n Jia with the F&C [Photo by SH]
After dinner, its about time, to get to Penguin Parade.
Penguin Parade
Yes, this is, the highlight of the night, yet, it will be the place where we will have least photos, as it is not allowed for us to take pictures around here, since the flash of the camera would damage the penguins' eyes.

Penguin Parade Ticket. 5 Adults. $17.90 per person
We waited for more than an hour to see the penguins return from the sea back to their burrows...it was a real long wait, but worth it =).

Us while waiting
While we were still all excited abt the penguins and gettin a close look at them near their burrows, heavy rain poured, mercilessly. Within seconds all of us are soaking wet, and with no other choice left, run back to the center for shelter.

Yes, totally soaked [Photo by SH]

Last group pic, where all of us are soaking wet from the rain [Photo by SH]
As the rain got slightly smaller, we ran to our car, with me taking over the wheel, and drove back, to the town of Clayton.
Journey Home
The journey back was as smooth as the journey there, and with everyone hungry when we arrived back to Clayton, we went straight to Glen Waverley for dinner right before the shop close, and drew a conclusion to this Road Trip, of ours. =)